At King’s Speech and Learning Center we follow the “lifelong learning” philosophy, and treat all ages.
Adult services include:
- Neurogenic Communication Disorders
- Aphasia
- Speech and voice problems post CVA (stroke)
- Dementia
- Parkinson’s Disease
- Brain tumor or brain injury
- Neuromuscular degenerative diseases
- Dysphagia/Swallowing Disorders- Oral, pharyngeal, and pharyngeal- esophageal
- Voice Disorders- from surgery, overuse, allergies, or trauma
- Interviewing skills and Career Coaching
- Post Concussion language, cognition and memory problems
- Public Speaking
Small talk/social skills ( anxiety, lack of confidence +/or a pragmatic language disorder)
- ADHD management
- Dyslexia
- Auditory Processing Disorders
- Stuttering/Cluttering
- Accent Modification